Revolutionizing Healthcare in Africa: La Ruche Health’s AI and WhatsApp Innovation

This week, Nairobi, Kenya, marks the 10th anniversary of the Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation, founded by the Royal Academy of Engineering. Celebrating its impact across 23 African countries, the prize has supported nearly 150 entrepreneurs, created over 28,000 jobs, and improved the lives of more than 10 million people. This year includes Rory Assandey, co-founder of La Ruche Health in Ivory Coast, whose team uses artificial intelligence (AI) and WhatsApp to transform healthcare.

AI and WhatsApp: A Game-Changer for Healthcare

In an interview with technology correspondent Paul Ndiho, Rory Assandey explained La Ruche’s innovative approach. “We built a standard electronic medical records system to digitize documentation, billing, and payouts. But the real game-changer is our use of generative AI integrated within WhatsApp,” Assandey said.

The decision to use WhatsApp was strategic. “WhatsApp is a very frequent means of communication. It uses low data and memory and is accessible for low literate populations,” Assandey noted. This accessibility allows users to ask health-related questions via text, voice notes, and photos, making healthcare information available to communities that need it most.

Reaching the Masses

La Ruche Health has successfully reached over 150,000 people through WhatsApp. “It’s a perfect channel to reach the masses without significant marketing expenditure,” Assandey said. The platform supports multiple local languages, helping to bridge the gap for users who may need to speak French or English.

Impact of the Africa Prize

Being a finalist for the Africa Prize is a significant achievement for Assandey and his team. “It’s an honor to represent past winners and to showcase the potential of Francophone countries in this prestigious competition,” he said. Winning the prize would validate their efforts and provide valuable networking opportunities with investors and experts.

“We want to continue to tap into the network and resources provided by the Africa Prize, demonstrating our growth and the program’s effectiveness,” “Assandey concluded.

La Ruche Health aims to expand its reach and impact, leveraging technology to improve healthcare accessibility. As the Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation celebrates its 10th anniversary, the achievements of finalists like La Ruche Health highlight the transformative power of engineering innovation in addressing local challenges and improving lives across the continent.

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